Arch Linux Hacker Battlestation Setup

When I was using my laptop by itself, I loved to boot into Arch Linux and then use tmux to split the terminal into multiple windows and start a bunch of different programs to make it look all 1337ed out. But when I started using the dual-monitor setup, I started to have problems doing this. … Continue reading Arch Linux Hacker Battlestation Setup

Tactical DOS: A Cyberpunk DOS VM That’s Totally 1337

So I thought I'd start some reconnaissance files on various people I know IRL. Why? Because I'm an autistic psychopath and that's what autistic psychopaths do - they analyze other people's psychology in order to find holes in their defenses that they can exploit. Yes, I am an evil genius. Mwahahahahahahahahah! But no, seriously, I … Continue reading Tactical DOS: A Cyberpunk DOS VM That’s Totally 1337