More QBASIC: Color Tables, Font Files, and Sprite Animation

Just another update on my continuing progress with QBASIC. I've moved past trivial programs now and am now doing some more practical graphics programming, getting closer to something that I could turn into a neat MS-DOS game. I learned several new programming constructs, including the RESTORE function, which allows you to reuse data declared by … Continue reading More QBASIC: Color Tables, Font Files, and Sprite Animation

The Adventures of a Hackerman: How I Pirated the Papyrus Font Using Javascript

Papyrus is a font that I commonly use for digital art that I post on DeviantArt - the mixed-media "inspirational" kind that has an image with a quote or other inset text. I find that for stuff that's either serious or humorous but mocking something serious, Papyrus is the best typeface to use. It just … Continue reading The Adventures of a Hackerman: How I Pirated the Papyrus Font Using Javascript